Rare opportunity to purchase one of the most popular floorplans in the neighborhood! Dont wait for 11 months to get your home built, you can purchase this home before interest rates go any higher in less than that time! This home has some pretty sweet upgrades too! As you enter the house, it's easily noticed how warm and inviting this home is. The Owners have meticulously taken care of the home and have added over 75K of upgrades both with the builder and after they moved into the home. Beautifully laid Porcelain tile runs through the living areas, and is a rich earthy Brown that really warms up the space and gives you the best of both worlds, The practicality and longevity of the tile, with the feeling you get from a home with wooden floors! Even better? This home has a custom Gourmet Kitchen complete with gas range and loads of cabinet and counter space, upgraded rounded granite countertops, creamy cabinets with backsplash and stainless steel appliances! This home also contains a large pantry and extra storage into the laundry room area! Speaking of that, this laundry room also has the upgraded and matching counters and for fun, these sellers have put in a little adult beverage refresher station! . 55 and better is all about lifestyle and you can certainly upgrade your lifestyle in this home! The family room has large glass doors that fold back behind the wall which opens up the entire living space to the outside lanai. The owners have expanded their lanai out and screened it so you have both covered and uncovered screened in space that is large enough for big gatherings, a future spa, a tropical garden paradise, you name it! The home is pre plumbed for an outdoor kitchen as well so for your BBQ fans, all you need is the grill and you will never have to switch your propane tank ! Your Master Bedroom features a gorgeous transom window and trey ceiling with crown Molding , and is large enough for your king size bed plus dressers! The Master bathroom has an oversized shower with 3/8" glass enclosure, transom window to allow the natural light to flow in and two shower heads .. just because! That's what is great about retirement.. you can do whatever you want! Speaking of that, this is truly an active community with many owner sponsored gatherings along with a full time activities director to keep things fresh.. This is also one of the only 55+ communities offering a lake and boat to use, so you can take the boat out for the day and truly enjoy the Florida lifestyle in your resort, luxury community next to pretty much everything. You are less than 30 minutes from the airport, 45 minutes easy drive to the beach, and less than 30 minutes to Lake Nona Medical City! Twin Lakes offers a lakefront lifestyle around the shores of Live Oak Lake! Amenities included are multiple sports courts including bocci ball, pickle ball, tennis, and putting green. On site is a gorgeous and newly built state of the art Amenity Center and fitness center, two pools, & a multiple covered grilling stations with TV's for enjoying the game with your neighbors! Fish off the wooden dock or take a kayak or canoe borrow the boat or go out for a morning paddle and enjoy the true Florida Lifestyle! You will have plenty of time to enjoy all that this community has to offer because your lawn is taken care of for you so all fun in the sun! Schedule your showing today!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Single Family Residence
Seznam Kategorie
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
3 lůžka
3 koupele
Dny na místě
1 019 Dny
Rok postavený
Poplatky HOA
Poplatky HOA zahrnují
Pool, Maintenance Grounds, Private Road, Recreational Facilities
Číslo MLS
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Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Contemporary, Ranch
Stavební materiály
Block, Stucco
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Připraveno pro kabel
Central Air
Built-In Oven
Range Hood
Exteriérové prvky
BB/HS Internet Available
Cable Available
Electricity Connected
Water Connected
Parkovací funkce
2 parkovací místa
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